Colloquium on Sustainable Marketing Communication
(May 16-17, 2024)


The advent of digital technology has revolutionized the marketing communication landscape, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses (Nesterenko, et. al., 2023). The disruption has also altered the understanding of the concept of marketing communications with several significant changes in how businesses interact and communicate with consumers (Sandi, 2023). Thereby necessitating a change in approach to the study and practice of marketing communication globally. The new era particularly in the field of marketing is regarded as ‘Marketing 3.0’ (Sandi, 2023). This novelty in approach emphasizes the importance of sustainability values in marketing communications (Sandi, 2023). This, in essence, implies business must communicate their commitment to these issues and demonstrate concrete actions that support those values (Sandi, 2023; Nesterenko, et. al., 2023). Also, importantly, the need for relevant knowledge in this dimension has become a necessity for scholars and practitioners in marketing communication and related fields. To this end, the Centre of Media and Communication Research (CMCR), Pan-Atlantic University, in partnership with VerdantZeal invites scholars and professionals in Marketing Communication and related fields to a two-day event that will promote fresh understanding in the study and practice of Marketing Communication in the digital era.

The event is titled “Colloquium on Sustainable Marketing Communication in Digital Business Spaces” and is scheduled to be held online from May 16-17, 2024.

Event Information

Day One

Panel and Paper Presentations Session

Date: Thursday, May 16th, 2024.

Some of the sub-themes are:

• Sustainable marketing communication and advertising in Nigeria
• Sustainable marketing communication and brand management in Nigeria
• Sustainable marketing communication and Public Relations in Nigeria
• Sustainable marketing communication and marketing in Nigeria


Day Two

Workshop Session
Date: Friday, 17th May 2024
Venue: Online
Focus Areas

• Sustainable marketing communication and brand management in Nigeria
• Mastering Social Media and Content Marketing for Business Growth



Other Information

Registration and Abstract Submission

Scholars, managers, and professionals can register for this event and submit their proposals or abstracts by clicking on this link. Abstracts or proposals should not be more than 200 words. The deadline for registration is May 10, 2024.

Registration and Publication Fees

There is no registration or publication fee for this event.

Publication Opportunity

Papers presented at this event will be considered to be published in the Journal of Creative Media (JCM) in December 2024. JCM is published by the Pan-Atlantic University Press and managed by the Centre for Media and Communication Research (CMCR). JCM will be evaluated to be indexed in SCOPUS in 2026.


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