Dr. Nelson Okorie
HOD, Centre for Media and Communication Research (CMCR) Mass Media and Writing,
Dr. Nelson Okorie
HOD, Centre for Media and Communication Research (CMCR) Mass Media and Writing,


Dr. Okorie Nelson is a specialist in media and communication studies. Okorie has more than fourteen (14) years of teaching experience at the higher institution level. In addition, Okorie is a member of professional and academic organizations, such as the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), Certified Marketing Communication Institute of Nigeria (CMCIN), African Council for Communication Education (ACCE), South African Communication (SACOMM), International Communication Association (ICA), United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) Virtual Institute, Switzerland. Also, Dr. Okorie teaches Market Research, Strategic Planning, and Media Theories in the SMC. Interestingly, Google Scholar has ranked Dr. Okorie among the most cited researchers in development communication across the globe. He has published more than 50 publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. He also won a number of research grants from institutions in South Africa and the United States.



Books And Book Chapters

Okorie, N., Ojebuyi, B., & Salawu, A. (2017). Impacts of the Media on African SocioEconomic Development (pp. xx-350). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. (Indexed: Scopus and Library of Congress, USA) 

 Okorie, N., Ojebuyi, B., & Macharia, J. (2020). Handbook on Global Impact of Media on Migration Issues. (pp. xx-392). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. (Indexed: Scopus and Library of Congress, USA)


2018 Indigenous language Media in Africa (ILMA) at North-West University, South Africa Grant of 27,000 rand to conduct research on Edutainment and Health Communication Interventions on HIV in Botswana [Utilised] 

2017 Indigenous language Media in Africa (ILMA) at North-West University, South Africa Grant of 25,000 rand to conduct research on Community Radio and Localized Communication for Social Change: A study of Indigenous Language Usage of Selected Radio Stations [Utilised]

 2017 JIWS Grant of 600$ to produce a documentary on sexual violence and rape against women 

Travel Grant Awardee of 400€ to attend the Workshop on Media and Mobility at the University of Cologne, Germany from September 14-16, 2017.

 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, The North-West University, South Africa (May 2015- April 2016) [Utilised27, 

Conference Presentations

Okorie, N., Oyedepo, T., Usaini, S., & Oladokun, O. (2017) Global News Coverage on Victimization and Challenges of Roma Migrants from Romania: An Experiential Study. A paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Creative Education. Held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , March 3-4,2017 (Indexed: Thomson Reuters) 

Okorie, N., Oyedepo, T., Usaini, S., & Oyero,O. (2017)Preventing Victimization and Modern Slavery of Roma Migrants in UK: Issues and Possible Solutions from Documentary Investigations. A paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Creative Education. Held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , March 3-4,2017 (Indexed: Thomson Reuters) 

Oyedepo, T., Okorie, N., & Usaini, S. (2017)Media Analysis on Transcontinental Migration of Nigerians to Europe: An Experiential Study. A paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Creative Education. Held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , March 3-4,2017 (Indexed: Thomson Reuters) 

Subject(s) Taught
