Professional Course
Executive Programme in Advertising – accredited by the Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria (ARCON)

Advertising is widely regarded as the cutting edge of marketing and brand communication. This is so because advertising combines a plethora of strategies, techniques and skills that can hardly ever be found in any other promotional area of knowledge. From its earliest days, advertising brought forth several challenges and benefits to the owners of promotion-worthy products or services, ranging from attracting attention to scientific media exposure.


May 12, 2025


₦ 1,918,000


5 months

  • Date

    May 12, 2025

  • Cost

    ₦ 1,918,000

  • Length

    5 months


With time, advertising helped to raise products and services to the esoteric level of becoming Brands, a development that greatly transformed advertising into a highly-respected professional practice. Today, advertising is no longer an appendage, but a worthy and tested partner, to all leading brand owners the world over. It is, indeed, a repository of Solutions, the preferred brand promotion option.

This universal growth spawned a new age that is driven by Technology, Knowledge and Consumer Explosion. Advertising has thus cut out for itself a future of limitless opportunities and application. To be able to survive, compete and improve their levels of Expert Output and Value Addition, advertising professionals have no option but to continue to train and educate themselves for the benefit of the advertiser, the advertising media, the consumer and, above all, their very profession.

This course by the SMC and Troyka-Insight Communications is a novel and rich source of such requisite equipment for perfection in the creation, planning, execution and delivery of excellence in advertising. It is the ideal bouquet of intellectual and industry blend.


Grace: 0806 638 5629

Isaac: 0803 346 0440

Samsideen: 0701 017 8911


Programme Objectives

The main objectives of the programme are:

  • To introduce in the African Advertising industry a standing top-cadre manpower development bouquet that ranks among the best in the world.
  • To stimulate in African Advertising leadership a new orientation towards unending self and organisation improvement in strategy, creativity, management and best practice compliance.
  • To activate attention towards the application of Africa-centred Advertising philosophy, regulation, creative idiom and cultural values; and
  • To emphasise the importance of digital immersion, scientific research and valid metrics as inevitable components of contemporary Advertising.

Programme Structure


Blended Run – 25 days spread across 5 months

  1. Two weeks online
  2. Three weeks in-class sessions (one week practical sessions at Troyka office and two weeks at the SMC

Blended date: 17th March  – 11th July, 2025. 

In-class – 25 days spread across 5 months

  1. Four weeks intensive lectures at SMC.
  2. One-week practical sessions at Troyka Holdings.

In-class date: To Be Advised



Brand Management Excellence

This account planning training helps participants develop a strategic discipline in the use of structured tools that are most important in distilling consumer insights which result in impactful and effective creative communications of clients’ brands. They learn how to drive consumer affinity, loyalty and ultimately, the achievement of clients’ marketing objectives. The facilitator will take participants through an intensive process of hands on crafting of strategic brand plans and introduction to account navigation tools. From opportunity identification to following a new product from concept to introduction, this course will familiarize students with applications of new product management, planning and policy techniques. Participants will conduct business analyses for new products and understand concepts and processes involved in new product development, marketing testing, and product introduction.

Public Relations Dynamics

This course provides an in-depth understanding of Public relations and the participants learn the art of managing the dissemination of information between an individual or an organization (such as a business, government agency, or a nonprofit organization) and the public. As well as building organizational reputation through responsive corporate social investment, they will understand how an organization or individual gains exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payment. The course also exposes them to the uniqueness of public relations as a different form of marketing communications. The aim of this course is to get the participants to conduct several projects on public relations by informing the public, prospective customers, investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders and ultimately persuading them to maintain a certain view about a brand, its leadership, products, or decisions.

Experiential Marketing

This course will expose participants to effectively create and activate real life experiences of the brand beyond the regular communication. It emphasizes how customer interaction with brands can create memorable connections as emotional triggers can be set off in the mind of the consumers by making them feel the brand not just seeing or hearing it. This training will cover all forms of marketing that appeals to the five senses, and which is focused at contextual awareness & sales movement.

The module also examines the core attributes of experiential marketing, sponsorship marketing brief, understanding the various dimensions and implications to marketing different types of events: event duration, pricing, type and size of proposed events, sponsorship versus delegate, deployment and management of activation teams, revenue, annual versus new topic, working with what is available vs creating new events based on marketing analysis, developing effective relationships with the event team through to the event cycle amongst others.

Political Advertising & Communication

The participants are exposed to careful analysis of political campaign commercials, whether electronic, print or digital, uncovers the choices the creators made in pre-production, the choices they made during execution, and the choices they made during the editing process. This course will provide an opportunity to analyze various political campaigns locally and globally with a project to inspire participants to consider how the aesthetic choices made in these media communicate meaning. In this course, participants will analyze political commercials by focusing on their use of words, visuals and jingles; as they influence perception building & voters education.

Digital Advertising

This course shows the participants how to plan, create and deliver the marketing strategy that truly exploits the digital channels a customer has adopted. It provides the roadmap for digital strategies that are prioritized according to immediate gains and longer-term initiatives. It will help the participants refine their digital marketing activities, ensuring they not only compete online… but that they win. The work-scope will cover developing a framework for planning a digital marketing strategy, understanding how digital has changed consumer behaviour, targeting and tracking, the impact of digital (including mobile) on buying behaviour and purchasing habits, the scope and roles for content, mobile, email, social, search, display and emerging channels and tools; and how to measure digital success..

Understanding Creativity and the Creative Process

In this course, participants will understand how to think during the process of being creative. This knowledge will assist them in understanding creativity and will form a foundation in combating creative blocks. Understanding the creative thinking process helps them to define strengths and weaknesses. This can be particularly useful to the participants especially for comprehension when working in a team. They would be required to work through the processes of creativity in order to master the art and procedures. Creative briefs will be provided for the participants to put to practice their knowledge in this area, as they attempt their hands at developing campaignable advertising ideas..

Creative Strategy Development

After going through this training, participants will no longer have to rely on pure coincidence for their ideas, but rather on a clearly defined High–Performance Process to set the optimal conditions for brilliant work, long before an idea shows up. This training gives the science and art of a fascinating Creative Added–Value process. It will give participants ability to challenge and improve their personal rules in order to increase their effectiveness in the creative process. They will learn and develop Strategic Planning skills for Creative and Media campaigns. At the end of the course, participants should be ready to try their hands at developing Brand Advertising Strategies on the provision of a Campaign development brief.

Creative Production

Participants are to be exposed to the relationships of the elements of the marketing mix, and the strategic functions that determine the production, storage and supply of market requirements. This creative production course focuses on creative strategy and production unique to advertising and public relations as one way to give the students a basic understanding of operational development within the industry. Students should have an understanding of the entire advertising development process from creative strategy to tactical execution, knowledge of production stages, terms, tools, technology, measurements, substrates, platforms and practitioners roles.

Media Strategy Development

This course provides a systematic understanding of the role played by Media Strategy in the Branding and Advertising industry. Participants find out the right path to take in order to deliver the required message to the targeted customers. The basic intention of this media strategy course is not only showing participants how to procure customers for their product but also placing a right message, using the right medium, vehicle & programme, to the right people at the right time, while showing how that message should be persuasive and relevant. The participants also understand the Media Strategy process and the three “W”s to be decided in each campaign or as regards any brand communication; which are – where to advertise, when to advertise and what media type to use.

Post-campaign Analysis

In addition to understanding the processes of promoting a brand, the participants will also learn about optimization through post campaign results. This should teach them how to improve on future campaigns by observing the results and effects of the completed ones. It also helps them with report preparation for their clients upon completion of campaigns. The participants will be exposed to the tools and processes of the post campaign analysis, while trying their hands out on projects or campaigns to boost their knowledge.

Consumer Insight and Research

Participants will be taken through a basic understanding of theories of consumer behaviour. Using a variety of methods and planning tools, the training will cover fundamental marketing research pertaining to all stages of the consumer experience from

(a) seeking and acquiring information, to

(b) evaluating it and using it to form attitudes and make decisions, to

(c) translating those attitudes and decisions into behaviour (or not), to

(d) assessing past experiences and using the assessment to inform future behaviour.

Strategies for Choosing Ad Agency and Preparing the Ad Brief

Central to the strategic decision to use advertising purposively is the ability of the advertiser to select a professional advertising company that will effectively deliver the advertiser’s advertising objectives in a precise, cost-effective and scientific way. The advertiser needs to be armed with certain tested criteria that can guide it in wise and fruitful agency selection.

This subject exposes advertisers to critical considerations like shortlisting parameters; assessment of agency professional and business eligibility; verification of profile claims, and agency performance credibility. It also shows the critical strategies for developing the perfect Advertising Brief. The jewel in this subject is that it not only guides the advertiser, it more importantly provides agencies with wherewithal for self-examination and readiness to compete for business.

Determining and Controlling the Ad Budget

Effective budgeting is recognized as the heart of successful entrepreneurship, and specialized budgetary systems are at the core of advertising, as a big business. Budgetary considerations and expense and execution heads; budgetary discipline; scientific monitoring and pre-testing; shared budget responsibilities, and comparative and specialized budgetary systems are at the core of successful advertising business. This subject propagates the need for advertising businesses to realize that budgets are not really just about funds, but about the 3 Ms – the Materials, the Manpower and lastly the Money to execute a campaign. Execution targets and deadlines are core elements of efficient budgeting. The subject dwells on realism in budgeting.

Research and Account Development

Good advertising can hardly ever be created and managed in an atmosphere devoid of tested, current data and information. The low levels of interest and commitment to scientific research are widely regarded as a key flaw in Nigerian advertising, weakening its base in terms of credibility, validity and substantiation in the global marketplace. This subject canvasses the pre-eminence of professional social science research in planning the advertising account. Consumer, audience, media, lifestyle, market and business climate variables are research-essential indices without which advertising can hardly be effective. How to conduct, validate and apply research in these areas are taught under this subject, strengthening the hand of the adman and adwoman in planning winning campaigns. This subject explores the various areas of advertising development and the various types of research that are pertinent to them. It is planned to provide strategic cutting-edge tools for advertising planners, concept developers, client service experts and, indeed, all professionals involved in the advertising process.

Strategies for Effective Advertising:

What amounts to effective advertising remains an enigma the world over. Is it the exposure of ads that are popular and easy to recognize? Or is it the jingle that becomes everyday sing-along? Is it the ad that wins an “international award”? Or is it the clip that cost the highest to produce? The general bent of professional advertising thinking is that the effective ad is no longer just the one that sells, but one that also connects with the consumer. How can this type of advertising be developed and produced in a sustained, rather than occasional pattern? This is what this subject sets out to achieve. It will discuss strategy and stratagem options that lead to constant positive advertising results.

Research and Advertising Evaluation

This subject examines methods of research that enable the advertiser, agency and media to test advertising output. From concept through execution to retirement, the advertising campaign demands constant evaluation of results. The subject advocates the TQM approach to evaluation of advertising. This involves through-the-line evaluation which is done at every stage of execution, rather than the old Quality Control approach which left evaluation to the end. The subject treats measurement instruments that yield accurate results.

Media Characteristics and Evaluation

This subject examines methods of research that enable the advertiser, agency and media to test advertising output. From concept through execution to retirement, the advertising campaign demands constant evaluation of results. The subject advocates the TQM approach to evaluation of advertising. This involves through-the-line evaluation which is done at every stage of execution, rather than the old Quality Control approach which left evaluation to the end. The subject treats measurement instruments that yield accurate results.

Modern Media Planning, Buying and Monitoring

Two contemporary imperatives dominate the philosophy behind this subject: Media Independent Practice and Media Monitoring Services. The initiatives to take the media load off the shoulder of the agency, and the need to step up the fidelity of advertising exposure are two developments that changed advertising a great deal in Nigeria in the last decade and a half. This subject examines the planning, buying and monitoring media functions of modern advertising, x-raying their strategies and expounding the value they add to advertising practice.

Assessing Creative and Media Proposals

This is an expert, superintending subject that brings up skills and strategies requisite in the assessment, evaluation and testing of proposals emanating from the creative and the media functions. The subject shows sundry testing and assessment tools applied in modern advertising, as well as the plus and minus of each tool. The course is intended to strengthen managers of advertising in advertiser and media organizations, as well as creative and media managers in agencies, and place them on the magisterial pedestal to look at proposals with a critical and knowledge-filled eye.

Measuring Advertising Effectiveness:

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” [John Wanamaker, US store owner, early 20th century]. Advertising that is not effective is money down the drain. The essence of this subject is to ensure that the advertiser’s expenditure yields the desired result – attainment of the corporate, marketing and advertising objectives. The subject will explain various testing tools applicable to empiricism in the evaluation of advertising, as well as various parameters for determining effectiveness.

Establishing and Managing a Viable Advertising Agency

Are there ways in which an ad agency can be formed with a guarantee to stand the test of time? Is the agency of today founded on better grounds than the agency of yesterday? Are there business models that can yield better prospects for a new agency? Which type of agency stands a better chance of survival in today’s business climate: Full-service, Part-service or Hybrid; Integrated or Specialized; Conventional or Web-based? What are the manageable sources of funding available for start-ups? Go it alone or Go with partners? How can financial prudence be assured? These and many more queries will be answered by this subject which bears in mind the current modus shift to self-employment by educated and zealous young Nigerians.

Role of Media Independents

Media Independent practice has a lot of value-adding services that advertisers, agencies and media take advantage of. These services will be identified and explained by this subject. The subject will define the origins of the practice and the industry needs that led to its acceptance in Nigeria after initial resistance. The components, requisites and operational strategies will also be treated, as will its structure in Nigeria.

Managing the Auxiliary Services

Without its auxiliary services, advertising can hardly thrive and satisfy all its users. Indeed, advertising would suffer a manpower shortfall. For this reason, it is considered expedient that advertising needs to support and enhance the support services by encouraging professionalism and investment in their fold. This subject identifies existing and upcoming advertising support services, explains their use to advertising and discusses their operational strategies.

Ethics of Advertising

This subject is the cream of the programme. The recognition of the necessity for ethical best practices and their relatively fast acceptance are one factor that lifted the practice of advertising in Nigeria from an average calling to the level of a professional practice that ranks among the best. This subject looks at the essence of ethics, its ingredients, the gallant role of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria and the advertising sectorial associations in the promotion of ethical practice and professionalism. The subject covers the key provisions of The Nigerian Code of Advertising Practice, Sales Promotion and Other Rights/Restrictions on Practice which is regarded as the Sacred Book of Advertising.

The Role of Ad Agencies

As trite as the title of this subject might sound, it comprises not-so-common scenarios that show that the level of appreciation of the real need for professional advertising services remains low in Nigeria and Africa. The subject will identify key misconceptions about advertising and ad agencies, erroneous use of advertising even by big organizations, unwholesome expenditure on advertising and simplistic biases, and then establish why the engagement of a professional ad agency is imperative for every level and scope of enterprise. Upon completion of the programme, participants will be able to

  • Explain various trends and standards of practice in marketing and advertising.
  • Demonstrate strategies governing the practice of marketing and advertising, applying them to contemporary programmes and campaigns.
  • Explain regulations governing advertising in Nigeria, including requirements for practising advertising.
  • Demonstrate understanding of advertising through the Internet and Digital Media, with particular reference to its increasing application in Nigeria.
  • Create effective messages, make media decisions, address legal and regulatory considerations, and assess advertising effectiveness.
  • Improve on their knowledge of how to draw up and implement contemporary advertising plan.


For Whom

  • Advertising Executives / Account Executives
  • Marketing and Sales Managers
  • Corporate Communication Managers
  • Media and Communication Outfits
  • Public Relations Managers
  • Business Owners;
  • And all who wants to complement their understanding of the Advertising Industry.


Registration: N5,000

Graduation fee – N100,000

Alumni fee – N120,000

Course fees:

N1,918,000 (Blended class)





Contact information

Grace: 0806 638 5629

Isaac: 0803 346 0440

Samsideen: 070 1017 8911


School of Media and Communication (SMC), Pan-Atlantic University
Km 52, Lekki-Epe Expressway, Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos.

“It has been an insightful 5 days here during the External Relations and Reputation Management programme at the School of Media and Communication, Pan-Atlantic University.

I would say that my expectations have truly been surpassed in many regards.I found it very satisfying and enlightening, the various modules that we participated in.

I think the coordinators of this programme have done a great job in identifying the various subjects that would make one a truly strong external communications person or a truly strong reputations management person. Looking at the modules before I started the programme, I really couldn’t identify how they were going to be as useful to me as they turned out to be. At the end of the day I think it all shows that there is a lot of skill, a lot of expertise on the part of the people that have put this together.

The facilitators have been excellent, we have had such wonderful sessions. They have been able to get people from the class to share from their various experiences. They have been able to also share from their own life experiences…– Olatomiwa Akande, External Communications Manager, Nigerian Bottling Company, Lagos, Nigeria.

-Olatomiwa Akande