International Conference on Media and Sustainable Development in Africa – Call for papers

International Conference on Media and Sustainable Development in Africa – Call for papers

February 17, 2022

(Online) July 6-8, 2022


In recent times, African countries have experienced several socio-cultural issues that negatively affected development. UNDP (2021) has raised concerns about the myriad of issues, such as food insecurity, recession, forced displacement, desertification, terrorism, and pandemics that affect sustainable human development in Africa. In the same vein, the African Union (2022) also raised concerns about the recent rise of military takeover of governance in some francophone countries in Africa.

Importantly, the media serve as a veritable channel to create awareness and knowledge about pertinent issues affecting the African continent. Furthermore, the media can be utilized to proffer solutions that promote sustainable development goals in Africa.

The Centre for Media and Communication Research (CMCR), Pan-Atlantic University invites postdoctoral researchers, scholars, and practitioners to participate in the Virtual Conference on Media and Sustainable Development in Africa. This conference will be held online from July 6 -8, 2022.

This conference will provide a theoretical and empirical framework for explicating the potential place of media structures and institutions in tackling issues affecting sustainable development in Africa. Some of the sub-themes of this conference are:

  • Media and Educational Development in Africa
  • Media and Sustainable Health in Africa
  • Media and issues of insecurity in Africa
  • Media and economic development in Africa
  • Media and agriculture development in Africa
  • Media and Environmental issues in Africa

Abstracts submission

Abstracts (300 words maximum) should be sent in Microsoft Word format by email to:  on or before April 10, 2022.


Selection Process

All abstracts and full papers will be carefully reviewed by a Peer Review Panel made up of renowned scholars, specialists, and practitioners in the fields of media and communication studies. Each author shall then be notified by email about the outcome of the review process.


Evaluation Criteria

  1. The paper makes an original contribution
  2. The literature review is adequate
  3. The paper is based on a sound theoretical framework and/or research methodology
  4. The analysis and findings are germane to the objective(s) of the paper
  5. The conclusions match the findings
  6. The paper is well organized




Keynote Speaker and Panel Chairs




Suggested Keynote Speaker and Session Chairs


Prof. Nnamdi T. Ekeanyanwu

University of Uyo, Nigeria

Keynote speaker


Prof. ​​ Juliet Macharia

Katrina University, Kenya

Media and Education


Prof. Osunkunle Oluyinka

University of Fort Hare, South Africa

Media and Environmental Issues


Dr. Nelson Okorie

Pan Atlantic University, Nigeria

Media and Health


Dr. Presly ​​ Obukoadata

University Of Uyo, Nigeria

Media and Economic Growth


Dr. Raphael Ojebuyi

University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Media and insecurity issues


Dr. Kehinde Oyesomi

Covenant University, Nigeria

Media and agriculture


Conference Fees

*Domestic participant:  N20,000.00

*Foreign participant:     US$ 50


Publication Opportunities

Presented papers will be peer-reviewed and published as an edited book by Springer Nature, which is indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, Library of Congress.

Contact information

Dr. Nelson Okorie

Director, Centre for Media and Communication Research (CMCR),

School of Media and Communication, Pan-Atlantic University

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Bravo and Kudos to all for this great event. I plan to attend. Do link up asap.
Warm Regards.
Prof. Ralph A. Akinfeleye

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