Dr. Kazeem Oyebode
Dr. Kazeem Oyebode


Dr. Kazeem Oyebode is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Media and Communication, Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos, Nigeria. He holds a doctorate in Computer Engineering (Computer Vision) from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Before joining Pan-Atlantic University, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the French South African Institute of Technology, South Africa, where he developed computer vision models for indoor environment recognition.
Kazeem’s primary research interest is computer vision, which means developing non-trainable and trainable algorithms for indoor environment recognition, abnormal activity detection, scene understanding, seismic data analysis, and medical image analysis.
He has seven years of teaching experience locally and internationally and he is a registered member of the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).


Journal articles
Oyebode, K.O., S Du and BJ Van Wyk. Leveraging Graph Cut’s Energy Function For Context-Aware Facial Recognition In Indoor Environments. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 38 (2), 229-238 2021.

Oyebode, K.O., S Du, BJ Van Wyk, K Djouani. A sample-free Bayesian-like model for indoor environment recognition IEEE Access 7, 79783-79790. 2019.

Oyebode K.O, S Du, BJ van Wyk, K Djouani. Investigating the relevance of graph cut parameters on interactive and automatic cell segmentation. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine. Article ID 7396910, 10, 2018.

Oyebode K.O and Jules Raymond-Tapamo. Adaptive Parameter Selection for Graph Cut Based Cell Segmentation -Image Analysis and Stereology 30:29–37 2016.

Oyebode K.O. Investigating a Denoising Approach to an Improved Cell Image Segmentation – Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, 33, 59-64, 2017.

Oyebode K.O and Jules Raymond-Tapamo. Automatic Segmentation of Cell Images by Improved Graph Cut-Based Approach. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, 20, 74-80, 2016.

K Oyebode, S Du, BJ van Wyk, K Djouani. Image-Based Navigation System for Pedestrians in an Indoor Environment. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 12(2) p45-51. 2020

Oyebode K.O. Improved Thresholding Method for Cell Image Segmentation Based on Global Homogeneity Information – Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 10(1) 13-16 2018
Usiholo Iruansi and Oyebode K.O. Partitioned Graph Cut Segmentation on Heterogeneous Cell Images – Nigerian Research Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences. 3(1) 2018 pp. 32-38

Oyebode K.O and Jules Raymond-Tapamo. Selective Cell Segmentation using Graph Cut and Adaptive Distance Penalties –Biomedical Research 26 2016
Oyebode K.O and Ebenezer Esenogho. A Syntactically Enriched Tool Enabling Dynamic Binding to Web Services – International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.15 No.4, April 2015

Oyebode K.O and Oshevire Oyovwike Patrick. Dynamic Binding to Web Services Pre-Cached on a LAN– International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology 2013

Books And Book Chapters


Conference Presentations

Subject(s) Taught
