Professional Course
Advanced Business Communication

Business leaders need to understand that communication is a central management function that should be exercised in a creative manner to achieve results. Communication is pervasive in business life. It is also strategic. It is one of the most crucial driving wheels of success in organizations. 


Apr 7, 2025


₦ 1,533,000


4 months

  • Date

    Apr 7, 2025

  • Cost

    ₦ 1,533,000

  • Length

    4 months


A company is mostly as good as it is communicated to the public. Individuals who are able to combine sound communication skills with outstanding managerial and leadership abilities soar to great heights in their careers. Likewise, some technically good managers have fared poorly due to their deficient communication skills. Others are known to have embarrassed their organizations thoroughly when called upon to make presentations. Presentation skills are a component of good business communication, and since business leaders are the prime salespersons of their organizations, mastery of these skills is a priority for them.

Advanced Business Communication is a flexible programme designed by the School of Media and Communication, Pan-Atlantic University, to address the identified gap in business communication and presentation among business leaders. The programme is guaranteed to hone and revamp your business communication skills through the various discussions in the modules.


For Enquiries:

Grace – 0806 638 5629

Samsideen- 07010178911

Isaac – 0803 346 0440

Email –

Programme Objectives

Since communication forms a great part of the critical role of management staff, the Advanced Business Communication (ABC) programme has a central objective of helping professionals in senior management positions build the necessary communication skills that will enhance the overall performance of their jobs. At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

Know key aspects of business communication.

Tackle communication management in crisis situations.

Learn tactful and diplomatic communication styles, especially through the exercise of tactical thinking.

Foster better relationship with both internal and external customers.

Motivate their teams and propel them to action.

Handle media interviews and press conferences effectively.

Overcome speech making anxiety and be able to make compelling speeches.

Harness digital technology innovations for effective communication.

Programme Structure

Duration: 20 days spread across 4 months
– 15 days in-class sessions 

– 2 days research engagement

-1 day Industry visit

– 2 days project presentation sessions 


International Study Trip:

For Whom

Executives from Manager grades and others who head critical departments in their organisations

Directors and other Executives who feel the need to hone their communication skills.


Registration – N5,000

Course fee – N1,533,000

Graduation fees – N100,000

Alumni fees (Life membership) – N120,000

Contact information

Grace – 0806 638 5629

Isaac – 0803 346 0440

Samsideen- 07010178911

Email –

The faculty makes you feel like you are part of a family. You can easily meet with members of faculty whenever you need guidance

-Anita Dabor