Professional Course
Certificate Course in Broadcasting (CCB)

Broadcasting is an exciting professional world. In the words of Andrew Boyd, et al, “few professions can match broadcast journalism for its rewards in terms of job satisfaction, interest, variety, excitement, experiences, creativity – and for the select few – fame and wealth.”


Oct 13, 2025


₦ 1,344,500


4 months

  • Date

    Oct 13, 2025

  • Cost

    ₦ 1,344,500

  • Length

    4 months


Broadcasting has been fully democratized in Nigeria, giving rise to multiplicity of broadcast stations. There are currently about 200 television stations, while radio stations now number over 600 in the country, not to mention online stations.  Each of these stations vie for quality programs to deliver on their core mandates of information dissemination, education, entertainment, commercial services, as well as social mobilization and cultural cohesion in the nation.

The broadcast media are here to stay, strengthened even more by the advances in technology to reach the far ends of the world.  But challenged by the growing citizen journalism, the need to groom more professional broadcasters has become more urgent today than ever before.

Broadcasting is an exciting professional world. In the words of Andrew Boyd, et al, “few professions can match broadcast journalism for its rewards in terms of job satisfaction, interest, variety, excitement, experiences, creativity – and for the select few – fame and wealth.”

The SMC Certificate Course in Broadcasting (CCB) is poised to prepare modern professional broadcasters to fill the skill gaps in the industry.  Our state-of-the-art radio and television studios, our industry-formed faculty, coupled with our trendy editing suites will ensure that participants graduate being industry-ready.


For inquiries:

Grace– 0806 638 5629

Samsideen – 07010178911

Isaac – 0803 346 0440

Email –

Programme Structure

The course will be a 20-day modular programme spread over four months. Generic broadcast modules will be complemented by practical sessions in television, radio and internet broadcasting streams.

The programme runs on a physical and blended streams:

  • In-class – 20 days spread across four months
  • Blended – 3 weeks online, 2 weeks in-class spread across four months

13 October 2025- 16 January 2026

For Whom

Radio and Television presenters

Radio/TV producers

Content producers

Online presenters

Online editors and managers

Media marketers

Studio managers

All those who wish to fulfil their passion in broadcasting.




Registration Fee: N5,000

Course Fees

In-class: N1,344,500


Graduation Fee: N100,000

Contact information

Grace – 0806 638 5629

Samsideen - 07010178911

Isaac – 0803 346 0440

Email –

The faculty makes you feel like you are part of a family. You can easily meet with members of faculty whenever you need guidance

-Anita Dabor