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Contemporary Issues in Communication for Lawyers

No serious goal oriented organization can afford to undermine the role Law and Legal Compliance play in shaping the final outcome of the organization’s pursuits. That is why premium importance is often placed on the employment or engagement of qualified in-house counsel and company secretaries.

However, many corporate counsel and secretaries are not often prepared for the frenetic pace of expectations festooned on them by their organizations which often times is found outside of the purview of traditional formal education and trainings.

Table of Contents


In the past, companies were seen as being outside the society and the understanding of social contract was narrow: government providing for the public good and companies were required to obey the laws of the land and pay their taxes. Companies, big and small, contributed to their communities by way of donations or building of houses, schools, hospitals as acts of mere philanthropy. To survive and thrive in the 21st century knowledge economy smart companies need to move away from mere philanthropic giving and be more strategic in their engagement with communities where they operate and their employees work and live.


For enquiries, contact:

Grace – 0806 638 5629

Isaac – 0803 346 0440

Professional Education  –  0805 812 7207

Email: professionaleducation@smc.edu.ng


  • Critical thinking for effective legal rhetoric and argumentation
  • Back to basics – Writing & producing outstanding legal briefs
  • Effective Communication in Negotiating & ADR (issues
  • Non verbal & Interpersonal Communication Skills
  • Audience Management Skills
  • Effective Legal Communication in a corporate context
  • Aspects of good writing
  • Leveraging the new social media for effective professional communication
  • Effective use of personal grooming and personal effectiveness for impactful communication
  • Brand issues in organizational communication
  • Business and Communication ethics
  • Using visuals for impactful communication
  • Using CSR for effective communication

For Whom

Expected Outcomes

At the end of the program, participants would be able to:

  • Develop skills to make better impact with their presentations inside or outside the courtrooms and to keep audiences alert and focused
  • Set key strategic approach in communicating with intended audience effectively and getting the desired outcome
  • Act more proactively and effectively in the use of time to develop better interpersonal skill
  • Be more ethical in handling issues of professional communication without being manipulative to be effective






N375,000 (with accommodation and dinner for 4 nights)

Contact Information

Opeyemi – 0806 638 5629 Isaac – 0803 346 0440 Vincent – 0805 812 7207 Email – professionaleducation@smc.edu.ng

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